Daily Star Knows That Being Skinny Doesn’t Equate To Being Healthy
By Bodycomp Imaging
Learn more on bodycomp.caJevitty Life Science is in the news again! This time, we were featured in Daily Star UK, an international outlet which reaches millions of readers monthly. Jevitty’s Operations Manager, Chloe Richardson, had a great conversation with the reporter about Jevitty scans (by Bodycomp Imaging), the body composition scanners we use to help people track their health progress, and by extension – their longevity. Chloe made a clear point that we at Jevitty always highlight: being healthy is not about losing weight. "Tracking and focusing efforts on improving lean mass results in better physical functioning, improved mood, more energy and reduces unwanted fat,” explains Chloe. So how does a Jevitty scan show me that being skinny doesn’t equal being healthy? Let’s think about this question for a second: people have been led to believe that losing weight, and being ‘skinnier’ means you’re healthier. It’s been a long-standing myth. The truth isn’t that simple. "Two people of the same height can weigh the same – one having 70% lean mass and the other 40% – yet the individual with more lean mass has a significantly better metabolic rate, less unwanted fat and better bone health,” explains Chloe. That’s what we try to emphasize with our Jevitty scan by Bodycomp Imaging. A scan reveals accurate details about a person’s muscle mass, muscle density, fat mass, visceral fat, bone density, and where these measurements are concentrated. "Aiming to improve lean mass and consequently basal metabolic rate means the individual is burning more calories/fuel by simply living, because lean mass requires more energy to sustain,” adds Chloe. Put skinny-equals-healthy aside, and aim for longevity "Living longer is far more complex than being skinny,” says Chloe. Knowing your body composition is a good first step, but being able to access expert advice and track your progress is essential. You can incorporate your Jevitty scan results into our Jevitty app, which calculates your lifestyle and body data to determine how best to improve your longevity. "Living with longevity and vitality is beyond one's physical appearance. Health truly is inside-out. "Safeguarding ourselves from poor fuelling, physical overuse (through consistent intense activity or no activity) is key to aging well and starting now rather than later,” adds Chloe. Ready to focus on health instead of the numbers on a scale? Book a Bodycomp session and download our Jevitty app to start tracking your progress.